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Hi-Tech Classrooms (Smart Boards)

“Tell me - I forget; Show me - I understand; involve me - I remember for ever.”

BharatiVidyapeeth English Medium School, Vita has a 13 class-room which are technology-enabled Smart Class rooms equipped with ICT solutions through Interactive Dig board System.

Over the last few decades, everything has changed in our lives with the all-pervasive intervention of technology. However, classrooms have remained untouched by technology.

The classrooms that our grandparents went to are exactly the kind of classrooms our children study in - like Chalk and blackboard, a packed classroom, text books, regimented curriculum, a teacher painstakingly explaining abstract concepts with the limited tools at his disposal etc.

The Smart Classroom is available for teachers and students over the web, and is installed on the school's local server for faster and more reliable access to the content in all the class rooms. The content available consists of pedagogically sound and visually rich curriculum resources mapped and customized as per the school's scheme of work. This content has streamed into the classroom equipped with multi-display monitors, big interactive screens, Projectors and shown by teachers to make abstract concepts real. Moreover, all the teachers prepare their own modules also and include them for their ready references.

Highlights of the School:

The school believes in holistic approach of education. The Highlights of the school are to:-

  • Individual attention. The student teacher ratio 20:1.
  • Qualified and efficient staff. Co-education system.
  • Play way method of learning. Self (Supervised) Study System.
  • Student-centred activities. Indian culture with western knowledge.
  • The School aims to fulfil the overall development of a child.
  • Ample opportunities for parents to interact teachers.
  • K.G. to P.G.: kinder garden to Post Graduation under one roof.
  • Participation of all the students on all the activities of the school.

Highlights of the School:

  • Activity Period
  • Self-study system
  • Competency Test
  • Detention classes
  • Weekly Tests
  • Relaxation Periods
  • Competitive Exam Test
  • Project work.

It provides the facilities and benefits such as:

  • Continuously 10 year 100 % result of SSC Boards Exam.
  • Spacious, well – ventilated, clean & Modern Classrooms.
  • Smart Class Interactive Digboard for better learning.
  • Daily homework & other notices on Parents mobile through PRISMS facility.
  • Laboratories for the retention of textbooks knowledge.
  • A very airy and refreshing Library.
  • Computer Center for advancing technology.
  • Specialized training for playing Musical Instruments
  • Health Education and Physical Fitness as a integral part of school curriculum.
  • Entertainment activities: Learning experiences through recreation.
  • Picnics, field visits and Social Service Campus as a part of Excursions.
  • Reading Room for extra study.
  • Spacious hall for Indoor Games.
  • Fully developed Audio Visual Room.
  • Special Coaching Classes for Scholarship, M.T.S., N.T.S. exam and for slow learners also.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Academic excellence is given at the top in our priority in our school. Learning achieving high grades and superior performance. Our focus is not just in academic excellence but we also try to strike a fine balance between academic achievement and all round development of a child through sports, art & craft, Martual art, skating, football, cricket, yoga and cultural activities. Co-curricular activities play a very important role in a child. This finally enables a child to complete and survive in a long run. The school takes special interest and initiative regarding co-curricular activities which helps the children to out shine in their respective areas of interest with proper guidance and training.

Football: Like any sports provide many health benefits for children. It is a physically demanding game. That provides an opportunity for players to improve their speed agility, strength, hand, eye co-ordination and over all endurance.

MartualArt: Martual Arts strength then muscles and endurance while improving flexibility, balance, agility and co-ordination.

Cricket: Playing cricket improves health benefits which includes endurance and stamina balance and hand-eye co-ordination.

Skating: Skating helps kids to burn of the extra energy maintain a healthy weight helps to reduce school stress on provide a welcome distraction from everyday worries.

Yoga: Reduces stress and anxiety improves memory and attention span. Teachers correct breathing technique yoga encourages self-love and self-care.

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